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Outdoor Gym/Fitness Area

  • Elevate the experience of outdoor gyms and fitness centers by adding shade structures.
  • According to Chad Kennedy, co-chair of the Children's Outdoor Environment PPN, shade plays a crucial role in meeting interoceptive needs.
  • The addition of shade structures not only safeguards fitness center visitors but also contributes to drawing in more individuals over time. By creating a more refreshing workout space, these structures encourage repeat visits, enhancing the appeal of your fitness area.
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Adding shade structures to outdoor gyms and fitness centers can help visitors protect themselves from heat exhaustion by avoiding direct sunlight and conducting their workouts in a cooler environment. This can help you draw in more visitors to your fitness area over time – and keep them coming back time and again. If you’re looking for structures to provide shade across workout areas at fitness centers, USA SHADE and Fabric Structures has the solutions for you.


Shade structures protect fitness center visitors from heat exhaustion by providing them with a more refreshing environment in which to conduct their workouts. Also, according to an article by Chad Kennedy, co-chair of the Children’s Outdoor Environment PPN, interoception plays a major role in outdoor recreational areas because it determines how we feel when we’re exposed to outside environments. Interoception relates to the interaction between internal body conditions and external stimuli.

Besides drinking fountains and restrooms, shade is a critical way to satisfy an individual’s interoceptive needs in outdoor areas — especially those like outdoor gyms and fitness spaces. When the basic needs of interoception are not met, the resulting distress in visitors of outdoor gyms — especially those with post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, panic disorders and disabilities — can lead to less-than-ideal outdoor experiences.

In addition to helping users meet their interoceptive needs, shade structures for your outdoor gym or fitness area can:

  • Increase functional and aesthetic value: Protect visitors to your outdoor gym from UV radiation and high levels of heat. Infants and small children especially require special precautions when exposed to high heat levels due to their increased susceptibility to thermal stress.Fortunately, shade is one such precaution.
  • Extend outdoor time: When visitors can workout outdoors under shade structures, they’re more likely to stay longer and experience higher comfort levels – helping them get in a better workout throughout the process.
  • Keep outdoor fitness areas cooler: Fabric shade structures from USA SHADE allow air to pass through while keeping the outdoor gym underneath cooler than a metal or wood structure could.

For over three decades, USA SHADE has provided architectural and aesthetic opportunities to existing locations across the U.S. with high-quality, commercial-grade shade structures. Benefits of choosing us as the shade structure manufacturer for your outdoor gym include:

  • Custom design capabilities: Our team will allow you to choose from unlimited possibilities when you’re designing shade structures to meet your specifications. Whatever type of look you’re going after, our team can make it happen.
  • Architectural Specialists: Our Architectural Specialist Division collaborates with engineers and architects on projects and provides them with the tools and guidance they need throughout the process, from initial design to installation.
  • Durability: As the first fabric structure manufacturer in California to have received Division of the State Architect, or DSA, approval, USA SHADE prides itself on delivering high-quality products that last.
  • Expertise: At USA SHADE, the knowledge born from our history can help us build your future.
  • Superior customer service: We have a process in place to assist you in creating a beautiful space through the art and design of fabric architecture.

USA SHADE has spent more than a quarter of a century designing, manufacturing and installing commercial-grade shade structures for a wide range of facilities. Learn more about how we can help you transform the functionality and visual appeal of your space — request a free quote today.